Placeholders are markers within a template that indicate where specific information should be inserted. They are defined within your template with double curly braces, for example: {{name}}.

For example, a template:

This Dummy Agreement is entered into by {{name}}.

With data:

  "name": "Sherlock Holmes"

Will return the document:

This Dummy Agreement is entered into by Sherlock Holmes.

Nested objects

You can use nested objects in the data value. For example, a template:

This Dummy Agreement is entered into by {{}}, currently residing at {{person.address.house_number}} {{person.address.street_name}}, {{}}.

With a data value:

  "person": {
    "name": "Sherlock Holmes",
    "address": {
      "house_number": "221b",
      "street_name": "Baker Street",
      "city": "London"

Will return the document:

This Dummy Agreement is entered into by Sherlock Holmes, currently residing at 221b Baker Street, London.