For the Document resource url parameter, you can use a publicly accessible URL from the following hosts:

Temporary File

You can upload a temporary file to SignatureAPI and use it as a source for the url parameter of a Document resource.

Learn more in the documentation for Create a file.

SignatureAPI Temporary File URLs must match the following format:*

Amazon S3

You can use either pre-signed (recommended) or publicly accessible URLs.

Amazon S3 URLs must match one of the following formats:

  • https://*.s3.**
  • https://**

Cloudflare R2

You can use either pre-signed (recommended) or publicly accessible URLs.

Cloudflare R2 URLs must match the following format:


Azure Blob Storage

You can use either pre-signed (recommended) or publicly accessible URLs.

Azure Blob Storage URLs must match the following format:



Ensure that you can download the file directly from the URL.

Dropbox URLs must match the following format:*

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