A typical flow in SignatureAPI has the following steps:

Create An Empty Envelope

The first step is to create an empty envelope. An envelope is a container that holds documents to be sent to recipients. It defines and manages the signing process for those documents.

To create an empty envelope, add a Create an envelope action from SignatureAPI.

The Envelope Title identifies your envelope. It is also used as the subject of the emails sent to the recipients.

You can set an Envelope Message to that will be sent in the emails asking for signature.

In the Advanced Parameters, you can change the Sender Name and Sender Email. Please make sure the Sender Email is on your account’s list of allowed senders. You can find this list in the Sender section of your dashboard.

Add Recipients to the Envelope

A recipient is a person who receives an envelope. A signer is a type of recipient.

For each recipient you want to add to an envelope, use the Add a recipient action from SignatureAPI.

In the Envelope ID field, enter the Envelope ID generated by the Create an envelope action.

For now, the only Recipient Type is “signer”. We may add other recipient types in the future.

Set the recipient’s name and email address in Recipient Name and Recipient Email.

In Recipient Key set a name for this recipient to be used in templates. In most cases, you can use roles. For example, “employee” can be used as a Recipient Key. The Recipient Key should be made up of up to 32 lowercase letters, numbers, or underscores.

Add Documents to the Envelope

Next, add documents to the envelope. Currently, we only accept PDFs, but we will soon support DOCX files and templates. Before uploading your document, ensure it includes signature places for each signer.

For each document you want to add, you need to add the Add a document action from SignatureAPI.

In the Envelope ID field, enter the Envelope ID generated by the Create an envelope action.

In the File Content field, select a file output from another action. It could be from Sharepoint, OneDrive, Dropbox, or a similar service. See File Sources for a list of actions with file outputs.

Start the Signing Process

Once you added all your recipients and documents, you can start the signing process with the Start an envelope action.

In the Envelope ID field, enter the Envelope ID generated by the Create an envelope action.

Wait For Recipients to Sign

After you start the signing process and send out the documents, your flow needs to wait for everyone to sign.

You do this by using a Wait for envelope action. This action pauses the flow for up to 30 days, until all the recipients have signed and the final document is ready.

In the Envelope ID field, enter the Envelope ID generated by the Create an envelope action.

Download the Signed Document

After all recipients have signed the envelope, you can download the deliverable. This is a file that contains the signed documents, along with an audit log.

To retrieve a deliverable, you add a Get a deliverable action to your workflow.

In the Deliverable ID field, use the Deliverable ID generated by the Wait for envelope action.

The Get a deliverable action produces a File Content output, which you can use as an input in later actions in your workflow to save the signed document.