Use webhooks to receive real-time events from your SignatureAPI account, so your backend can respond to these events and act accordingly.

Receiving webhook events is useful for handling asynchronous events such as when a recipient signs an envelope, an envelope is completed, a deliverable is generated, or an email to a recipient bounces.

Setting Up Webhooks

You can receive events by registering a webhook endpoint in the Dashboard. You can register different webhook endpoints for test or live events and select the specific events to subscribe to for each endpoint.

Set up your webhook in the Dashboard


When an event happens, SignatureAPI creates a new Event object.

This is an example of an event object for a recipient.completed event:

  "id": "whn_4p2oouvNvjp1I9ckgqycH2",
  "type": "recipient.completed",
  "timestamp": "2025-12-31T15:00:01.999Z",
  "data": {
    "envelope_id": "e387553d-cbb7-4924-abd8-b2d89699e9b5",
    "object_id": "re_7v7Sion0vqjJioYmwfZ9mf",
    "object_type": "recipient",
    "recipient_type": "signer"

Learn more about the different types of events.

Event Delivery

SignatureAPI delivers the event via a POST request to your webhook endpoint, with the Event object as the JSON payload.

Delivery is successful if your endpoint responds with a status code in the 2XX range (200 to 299). Any other status code means the delivery failed.

SignatureAPI does not guarantee the order of event delivery, so your endpoint should be able to handle events arriving out of order.


If your endpoint responds with a status code outside the 2XX range, SignatureAPI will keep trying to deliver the event for up to 48 hours, using an exponential backoff strategy.

If delivery fails consistently for several days, we will notify the account owner and may temporarily disable deliveries to the endpoint.


These tools can be useful for testing webhooks:

  • Generates a random endpoint URL and lets you inspect POST requests sent to that endpoint.
  • ngrok: Sets up a tunnel from an internet-facing endpoint to your local machine, allowing you to process webhooks locally.