You can use the envelope’s metadata parameter to attach key-value data to envelopes.

You can specify up to 10 keys, each with names up to 32 long, and values up to 1,000 characters long.

Metadata allows you to store additional structured information on an envelope. For example, you might store an internal reference ID or an account name. Metadata won’t be visible to your users unless you choose to display it.

Avoid storing any sensitive information (such as bank account numbers, card details, etc.) as metadata.

The metadata will be included in all API calls that return an envelope (for example Get an Envelope) and will be sent along with webhook notifications in the data.envelope_metadata field. For example:

  "id": "evt_4p2oouvNvjp1I9ckgqycH2",
  "type": "recipient.completed",
  "timestamp": "2025-12-31T15:00:01.999Z",
  "data": {
    "envelope_id": "e387553d-cbb7-4924-abd8-b2d89699e9b5",
    "envelope_metadata": {
      "customer_ref": "x9550501",
      "account_annual_revenue": "$4,500,000"
    "object_id": "re_7v7Sion0vqjJioYmwfZ9mf",
    "object_type": "recipient",
    "recipient_type": "signer"