In this tutorial, we’ll create a Dummy Consent form from a docx template and send it to a recipient for signature using Power Automate and SignatureAPI.

Add a 'Add a template' action

Getting Everything Ready

Before building the Power Automate flow, let’s make sure we have everything ready.

Get Your Test API key

To get started, sign up for a free test API key. Test API keys let you create test envelopes, great for trying out your workflows. Envelopes in test mode:

  • Don’t send emails to recipients, but you can see them in the Email area of your dashboard.
  • Are not legally-binding, so no legal obligations arise during testing.
  • Are free.

Learn more about test API keys.

Prepare the Template

Before building the Power Automate flow, let’s look at the DOCX document we’ll use as our template. You can download it here and open it in Microsoft Word.

In the document, we’ve added fields like {{personName}} and {{personCompany}}. These placeholders will be replaced with actual data when the document is generated.

We’ve also included a conditional statement {{if showStatement}} that will insert the text “THIS IS A NON-BINDING…” only if the showStatement value is set to true.

Dummy Consent Form in DOCX with fields

On the second page, we’ve added a signature placeholder [[consentor.signature]] for the recipient’s signature (we’ll refer to the recipient as “Consentor” in this example).

For visibility, we’ve made the placeholder font blue in this example, but we recommend setting the font color to white so it remains hidden in the final document.

Dummy Consent Form in DOCX with signature placeholder

Building the Power Automate Flow

In Power Automate, create a new Instant cloud flow. Give it a name and choose Manually trigger a flow as the trigger.

Build an instant cloud flow

Download the Template

We’ll use Power Automate’s HTTP action to download the template from a URL. Alternatively, you can store and retrieve the template from OneDrive, Dropbox, or another file source.

  • Add a new HTTP action to your flow.
  • Set the Method to GET.
  • In the URI field, enter
Add HTTP Action

This action will download the template file, which we’ll use later when adding a template to the envelope.

Create an Envelope

Next, we’ll create an envelope using SignatureAPI. An envelope is a container for the documents and recipients involved in the signing process.

  • Add the Create an envelope action from SignatureAPI to your flow.
  • If you’re using SignatureAPI for the first time, you’ll need to create a new connection:
    • For Connection Name, use any name you prefer (e.g., SignatureAPI Test).
    • In API Key, enter your SignatureAPI key, which you can find in the SignatureAPI Dashboard under Settings > API Keys.
Create a connection to SignatureAPI

Once connected, configure the Create an envelope action:

  • Set the Envelope title and Envelope message. These will be visible to the recipient.
  • In the Advanced Options, you can set localization settings (language, time formats, time zones) and other advanced features.
Add 'Create an envelope' action

Add a Recipient

Now, we’ll add a recipient (the signer) to the envelope.

  • Add the Add a recipient action from SignatureAPI to your flow.
Search for 'Add a recipient' action

Configure the Add a recipient action:

  • Recipient Type: Keep it as signer (currently, this is the only type).
  • Recipient Name: Enter the recipient’s name (e.g., John Doe).
  • Recipient Email: Enter the recipient’s email address (e.g.,
  • Envelope ID: Select the Envelope ID output from the Create an envelope action.
  • Recipient Key: Use the same key you used in the signature placeholder in your template (in this case, consentor).
Add a 'Add a recipient' action

Add the Template to the Envelope

We’ll now add the DOCX template to the envelope.

  • Add the Add a template action from SignatureAPI to your flow.
Search for 'Add a template' action

Configure the Add a template action:

  • File Content: Set this to the Body output of the HTTP action we used to download the template.
  • Envelope ID: Select the Envelope ID output from the Create an envelope action.
  • File Format: Keep this as docx.
Add a 'Add a template' action

Populate Template Data

Next, we’ll add data to the template fields and conditionals.

For each field or conditional in your template, add an Add data to template action from SignatureAPI.

Search for 'Add data to template' action

For example, to fill the personName field:

  • Field Name: Enter personName (without the {{ }}).
  • Value: Enter the value for this field (e.g., John Doe).
  • Template ID: Select the Template ID output from the Add a template action.
  • Optionally, rename this action to Add data to template (personName) for clarity.
Add a 'Add data to template' action for personName

Repeat this for other fields:

  • For personCompany, set the Value to Doe Enterprises, LLC.
Add a 'Add data to template' action for companyName
  • For the conditional showStatement, set the Value to true.
Add a 'Add data to template' action for showStatement

Start the Envelope

Now that we’ve set up the envelope with the recipient and template, we’ll start the signing process.

  • Add the Start an envelope action from SignatureAPI to your flow.
Search for 'Start an envelope' action

Configure the Start an envelope action:

  • Envelope ID: Select the Envelope ID output from the Create an envelope action.
Add an 'Start an envelope' action

Wait for the Envelope to Complete

After starting the envelope, we need to wait until all recipients have signed and the signed document is ready.

  • Add the Wait for envelope action from SignatureAPI to your flow. This action pauses the flow for up to 30 days until the process is complete.
Search for 'Wait for envelope' action

Configure the Wait for envelope action:

  • Envelope ID: Select the Envelope ID output from the Create an envelope action.
Add a 'Wait for envelope' action

Retrieve the Deliverable

Once the envelope is complete and the deliverable is generated, we’ll retrieve it. The deliverable is a tamper-proof document that includes the signed document and the audit log.

  • Add the Get a deliverable action from SignatureAPI to your flow.
Search for 'Get a deliverable' action

Configure the Get a deliverable action:

  • Deliverable ID: Select the Deliverable ID output from the Wait for envelope action.

Important: Use the Deliverable ID from the Wait for envelope action, not from the Create an envelope action, because the latter does not contain the completed deliverable.

Add a 'Get a deliverable' action

The Get a deliverable action outputs a File Content property containing the PDF file of the deliverable. You can use this File Content in any Power Automate action that accepts files, such as OneDrive’s Create file action.

Add the PDF file content to OneDrive

Running the Flow

In Power Automate, click on Test to run your flow. The flow will start running. If everything is set up correctly, you should see green checkmarks on all steps up to Start an envelope. The Wait for envelope action will be in a waiting state until the envelope is completed and the deliverable is generated.

Running the flow until Wait for envelope

Sign the Envelope

The envelope has been sent to the recipient, John Doe, at

Since we’re using a test API key, real emails are not sent. However, you can preview the email in the SignatureAPI Dashboard.

  • Log in to your SignatureAPI Dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Envelopes list and select your newly created envelope.
Select the envelope from the envelope list in SignatureAPI Dashboard

In the envelope details, scroll down to the Emails section and click on the email sent to John Doe.

See envelope details in SignatureAPI Dashboard

You can preview the email to see how it would appear to the recipient.

Email preview in SignatureAPI Dashboard

Click on the blue button in the email preview to access the signing ceremony as John Doe.

Sign the Document as John Doe

You’ll now experience the signing process from John Doe’s perspective. Go through the signing ceremony and sign the document.

Sign the envelope as John

Verify the Envelope Status

After signing, return to the SignatureAPI Dashboard to check the status of the envelope and ensure that everything is progressing smoothly.

Check the envelope in the SignatureAPI Dashboard

Check the Power Automate Flow

Go back to your flow run in Power Automate. If the steps are still processing, wait a few minutes or refresh the page. The deliverable may take a few minutes to generate.

Check the Power Automate test to run successfully

Once the flow has completed successfully, you can go to OneDrive (or whichever app you used to store the deliverable) to download and view the final document.